Fraud Squad: A Financial Case Study and Virtual Gemba Simulation

Fraud Squad: A Financial Case Study and Virtual Gemba Simulation

Join the Fraud Squad in a Virtual Trip to Solve Financial Services Process Mysteries

Practice Using the DMAIC Process with a Flexible and Adaptive Project Simulation Focused on Solidifying Comprehension Through Application

Fraud Squad is an adaptive simulation-game designed to provide students with a high-fidelity process improvement project experience. Students explore a virtual workspace and learn how to collect data, observe operations, interview employees, uncover the root cause of problems, and implement change. Fraud Squad can be utilized in multiple ways by instructors and students throughout a structured learning process. Set in a realistic financial project management environment, participants walk through the DMAIC process by asking the critical questions needed to identify problems and generate solutions using Lean Six Sigma tools.

Time To Complete



Any number

Key Concepts

Process Mapping, CTQCs, Measurement System Analysis (MSA), Takt Time, Process Capability, Root Cause Analysis, Balance Capacity, Solution Selection, Corrective Action Planning, Control Plans

A Tailored Experience For Every Audience

With 49 hands-on activities and data sets, Fraud Squad is a robust all-in-one project case study simulation that can be easily adapted to fit any audience. The simulation is designed for play without a facilitator, but adding facilitation, the experience can be customized to meet different learning objectives.

Facilitators can utilize the virtual Gemba to customize the pace, order, and depth of content to suit whatever level of mastery they wish their students to receive: walk entry-level participants through high-level concepts and process mapping or have students with more understanding dive deeper and use critical thinking skills and DMAIC tools to solve problems discovered throughout the simulation.

The flexible format gives program leaders a single in-depth project that can be used to teach all levels of experience. Example use cases include:

  1. A 1-2 day classroom workshop experience, played as game
  2. A threaded case study for structured group coaching (Study Halls) in a Blended Learning model
  1. A course capstone project
  2. A supplemental exercise
  3. A high-level example of a successful project

Practice-Based Problem Solving Designed with Financial Services in Mind

Unlike other training simulations, Fraud Squad is not a static spread-sheet-based case study. Fraud Squad is an immersive gemba-based practice experience where participants learn in a comprehensive and visually realistic virtual environment. For group settings, the simulation can also be played as a game, which really gets the process improvement juices flowing!

Fraud Squad begins with a background story involving a forensic accounting firm that is facing serious performance problems: project timing commitments are being missed and quality is also suffering, resulting in severe customer dissatisfaction. Acting as part of the process excellence team, participants will work through the DMAIC improvement process to define the problem, collect data, gather information, analyze root causes, implement improvements, and put controls in place to ensure that higher performance is sustained.

The Project Experience

As students begin the simulation, they interact with a visual, online process map (gemba) of a project management process where they can interview customers, stakeholders, and employees, collect data and gather process information, analyze data, and take actions to implement improvements. Each project phase throughout the project offers several options (activities) supported by data sets, templates and teaching lessons.

At the end of each phase, there is a virtual tollgate with 6-12 questions that provide immediate feedback.

As students work through the activities, they begin to learn how to correctly apply the methods and tools of Lean Six Sigma to improve auditing project delivery performance. Participants learn critical thinking skills and how the outputs of various analytical tools are linked and used across the phases of the project.

Instructor Materials

The instructor version of Fraud Squad provides a completed project storyboard as well as access to all of the tollgate questions, answers, and answer justifications.

Get Started

Simulation Access
Gain access to all the materials of Fraud Squad with your team of up to 3 people.
Per Team
What's Included
  • Simulation access and accounts for players
  • MoreSteam customer service & support
Facilitator Access
Facilitator Training
Learn how to facilitate Fraud Squad with 1-on-1 support from our content team.
Starting at*
What's Included
  • Facilitator account access
  • Facilitation materials
  • Simulation access and accounts for players
  • 1-on-1 facilitation support
  • MoreSteam customer service & support
Simulation Access
Facilitation Provided
MoreSteam will deliver virtual or in-person facilitation for Fraud Squad. T + E not included.
Per Day
What's Included
  • Simulation access
  • Facilitation provided by MoreSteam
  • Facilitation materials provided on request
  • Simulation access and accounts for players
  • MoreSteam customer service & support

*One hour of personalized support is included; additional guidance starts at $250 per hour.

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