Sherlock Holmes Zombie-Hunter: A Lean Six Sigma Project Simulation
This Just In: Authorities Call in Lean Six Sigma Experts to Mitigate Zombie Outbreak
Use the DMAIC Process to Solve a Sherlock Holmes-Style Mystery in this Lean Six Sigma Project Simulation
The citizens of Dragos, need your Lean Six Sigma and critical thinking skills to help save them from a zombie outbreak. Sherlock Holmes Zombie Hunter is a collaborative, one-day Lean Six Sigma simulation emphasizing critical thinking and teamwork. Performing in teams of two or three, players work together to examine and maintain a Zombie outbreak in a small town.
Using the steps of DMAIC as their blueprint, participants choose from various activities to determine the root cause and best course of action. Each decision made throughout the simulation triggers a different potential outcome. Participants must rely on their investigative and analytical skills rather than prior knowledge to solve the problem, making it a perfect exercise for Yellow and transactional Green Belts. Students walk away from this simulation with a better understanding of structured problem-solving in an open-ended environment.

Time To Complete
6-8 hours

Teams of 2-3 People

Key Concepts
SPIOC, Process Flow, CTQCs, XmR Chart, Measurement System Analysis (MSA), Sigma Level, Root Cause Analysis, Source Selection, Error-Proofing, Control Plan
Apply Conventional Lean Six Sigma Methodology to an Unconventional Problem
This one-day simulation allows participants to explore and discover the investigative methodology of Lean Six Sigma. While the simulation’s topic is light and engaging, the gameplay requires skill and judgment. With impactful teaching points embedded throughout, Sherlock Holmes Zombie Hunter offers an invaluable capstone to your capability development program.

Additional benefits include:
- Scorecards to help facilitators track project costs and progress
- Tollgate reviews that assess student comprehension
- Easy online access; no kits or set-up required
- Low-cost training solution for groups of all sizes
DMAIC Decision-Making Creates Variability in Results
A Lean Six Sigma simulation is a great way to introduce all of the nuances of process efficiency and problem-solving without experiencing any of the messiness of the real-world. Sherlock Holmes is perfect for facilitators who want to give their students more practice operating in an effective process improvement project team. As participants advance through the simulation, they'll gain a better understanding of how to progress through the DMAIC framework in the absence of clear direction. Targeted towards Yellow Belt and transactional Green Belts, this gamified project work builds capability, critical thinking, and analytical skills.

The Project Experience
Dragos, a fictitious, remote village, is experiencing an alarming phenomenon. Zombies suddenly plague their ordinarily serene and quiet streets. Through investigative steps and applying Lean Six Sigma critical thinking, the participants need to save the citizens of Dragos by finding the root cause and solving the problem before it's too late.
Played best in teams of three, each team must initiate their investigation by choosing from a variety of possible activities. By listening to interviews, analyzing data, and correctly developing appropriate actions, teams must identify and define the problem before implementing and maintaining long-term solutions.

Instructor Materials
Facilitators will receive an "Instructor's Version" of Sherlock Holmes, which has unique functionality from the players' version:
- Supplemental instructor notes that include every option, question, and solution
- Suggested timeline for facilitation and full access to the simulation for 180 days.
- Ability to compare and display team scores per wave to drive awareness and competition
Get Started
What's Included
- Simulation access and accounts for players
- MoreSteam customer service & support
What's Included
- Facilitator account access
- Facilitation materials
- Simulation access and accounts for players
- 1-on-1 facilitation support
- MoreSteam customer service & support
What's Included
- Simulation access
- Facilitation provided by MoreSteam
- Facilitation materials provided on request
- Simulation access and accounts for players
- MoreSteam customer service & support
*One hour of personalized support is included; additional guidance starts at $250 per hour.
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