A3 Report

The A3 Report page in TRACtion allows you to build a digital A3 report for your project. A3 Reports help to simplify project reporting as they condense the information to a single page and visually communicate to the reader what the most important takeaways are for the project.

To access the A3 Report of a project, open the project and click the tab for “A3 & Storyboard”. In some instances, this may just say “A3 Report” if the Storyboard has not been enabled or “Storyboard” if the A3 Report has been disabled.

Close up of TRACtion's project tabs with "A3 Report & Storyboard" selected

If you are currently working on the project and have the permission to do so, you will be able to make changes to the A3 Report.

Building an A3 Report

To add freeform text to the A3, click the T icon in the menu. From there, click a blank area of the A3 to begin entering the desired text.

Adding freeform text to a TRACtion A3 Report

If you are looking to modify how the text looks, you can click the gear icon that appears when hovering over the text to open the settings menu. Here you can change the text & background colors, the font size, and the ordering of the text on the page in the case of elements overlapping.

Modifying freeform text to have size 18 font and black text.

If you’d like to pull in project details from the charter, click the document icon and drag the element you’d like to include onto the A3. In a similar manner to the freeform text, you can hover over the added element and click the gear icon to be able to make adjustments to the text’s appearance.

Adding the charter's problem statement to the A3 report

To bring in questions and answers from the project phases, you can click the Questions/Answer icon to pull in the question/answer pairs from your project.

Adding a question and response to the A3 report

In addition to the text settings from earlier, you can also specify what content is displayed for questions and answer elements. In this case, you could include any follow-up questions and their responses.

Customizing the text for the question/answer pair to have a font size of 16.

To bring in images uploaded to the project, you can click the image icon and drag any desired image to the A3. The images that can be selected are pulled from images added to project question responses as well as images uploaded to the project’s Shared Files tab. Double clicking an image on an A3 will expand the image.

If you have any EngineRoom projects linked to your project, you can also drag EngineRoom studies onto the A3 by opening the EngineRoom menu and dragging any desired studies to the A3. Once they have been placed on the A3, you can remove any tables or charts by hovering over the elements and clicking the delete icon.

Adding an EngineRoom project to a TRACtion A3 Report

Double clicking the EngineRoom study will bring up the full-size version of the study for easier review.

An enlarged XMR chart from a linked EngineRoom study on a TRACtion A3 Report

To show relationships between elements, you can also drag arrows on to the A3 using the arrow icon. The arrows can be stretched and moved to adjust.

The directional arrow menu open to display the available options of right, left, up, and down arrows.

By default, A3s use a template to create grids for where to place elements from your projects. If you wish to change the view, you can open the templates menu and select one of the available options. If you wish to start from a completely blank template, select “No Template”.

Updating the TRACtion A3 report to use the Vertical template.

Additional Functionality

To Undo or Redo an action, click the Undo and Redo buttons on the left side of the toolbar.

The undo/redo functionality in the TRACtion A3 report circled in blue.

To open the A3 in fullscreen mode, click the Fullscreen button.

The icon for making the A3 report take up the full window screen highlighted in blue.

To save your changes, click the floppy disc icon in the top right of the screen. A checkmark will be visible if it has saved correctly with the save time showing up to its left.

TRACtion save icon showing the A3 has no unsaved changes.

To print the A3 or save it as a PDF, click the print icon in the top right. From there, choose a size of paper you’d like to print or save the report as.

The A3 printer menu open with the available page sizes (Letter, Legal, & A3)

In the pop-up window, you can make adjustments to be able to print the A3 report. If you would rather save the report as a PDF, update the report’s destination to be “Save as PDF” instead of a printer.

An A3 report being saved as a PDF in landscape mode

If you’d like to view additional information or guides within the tool, clicking the info icon in the top right will pop up an in-product explanation for the features of the A3 Report.

Continue to make adjustments until the A3 contains all of your desired information!

A fully fleshed-out TRACtion A3 report with text, images, and EngineRoom studies.

For additional information on A3 reports, you can learn more about A3 Reports here.

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