EngineRoom Integration

TRACtion and EngineRoom are integrated so you are able to link EngineRoom projects & studies to TRACtion projects & questions. This linkage allows you to make adjustments to your studies in EngineRoom and have those changes automatically show up in TRACtion without having to upload any additional artifacts.

Linking EngineRoom Projects

First go to the “Project Work” page on a TRACtion project. If you are the project Team Leader and have an active EngineRoom license, there will be dropdowns below each tollgate name.

Project Work page without any EngineRoom projects linked

Opening these dropdowns will show you all of your available projects from EngineRoom to link. You are able to choose one EngineRoom project for each TRACtion project tollgate. Once an EngineRoom project has been linked, you can begin adding EngineRoom studies to TRACtion questions.

Project Work page with "My EngineRoom Project" selected for the Analyze Phase of the TRACtion project.

Now navigate to a question in that tollgate where you would like to associate it with an EngineRoom study. If the EngineRoom project was linked correctly, you will see an “Add EngineRoom Study” button below the tollgate question.

A TRACtion question with the "Add EngineRoom Study" button visible.

Clicking the button will populate a dropdown of all of the available EngineRoom studies that can be linked.

A TRACtion question with the EngineRoom study selection dropdown visible

Select a study from the dropdown and click “Add” to add the EngineRoom study to the question.

A TRACtion question with the "Add EngineRoom Study" dropdown visible with the EngineRoom study "Bar Chart" selected.

After retrieving the EngineRoom study, any charts or metrics will display on the page.

A TRACtion question with an EngineRoom bar chart visible.

Linking EngineRoom Gantt Charts

Once you have linked EngineRoom projects to your TRACtion project, a section should show up above the tollgates where you can pick which project to pull the Gantt chart from.

The Project Work page with the Gantt Chart menu visible.

Selecting a Gantt chart from the “Gantt Study” dropdown will load that Gantt chart and associate it with the TRACtion project. Any changes to the Gantt chart in EngineRoom will be loaded into the Project Work page in TRACtion.

The Project Work page with an EngineRoom Gantt chart visible

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