Ideas Portfolio

The Ideas Portfolio page in TRACtion allows you to review Project Ideas currently waiting to be accepted and begin the process of starting them on a project.

To access the Ideas Portfolio page, click on the TRACtion menu in the top left and expand Ideas. From there, you should see an option to view Ideas Portfolio. If Ideas does not expand, then you do not have the permission to view that page and should speak with your TRACtion administrator if you believe you need access to it.

TRACtion Menu with Ideas expanded

On the top of the Ideas Portfolio View, the Ideas Benefit & Ease of Implementation score will be plotted. This graph will show how the ideas fare in terms of total possible benefits versus ease of implementation. Clicking on one of the datapoints will take you to view that project idea in more detail.

Ideas Portfolio showing all ideas currently available for review

Using the search functionality in the table will filter out project ideas and remove non-matching ideas from the graph as well. Below, we’ve filtered the table by searching for the name of the person who submitted the idea

Ideas Portfolio filtered to projects submitted by single user

If you would like to export the table, clicking “Export Excel” will save the table data as an .xlsx file.

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