Project Storyboard
The Project Storyboard is a generated document that can be used for presentations or for export as a PDF. Use the Project Storyboard to emphasize the key points of your project and help tell its story.
Adding Content to the Storyboard
To add content to your project storyboard, first access the Project Work tab on your TRACtion project.
From the Project Work page, select a question you’d like to add to the storyboard to navigate to that question. Any question already added to the Storyboard will have a pushpin icon next to the question.
While on the questions, clicking the pushpin icon next to “Include Question & Answer on Storyboard” will add the question and answer pair to the Storyboard.
If the pushpin icon is colored in, the question is included on the Storyboard.
If you’d like to include EngineRoom studies, you can do so by clicking the pushpin icon next to each EngineRoom study you’d like to include. For information on adding an EngineRoom study to your project see our help guide here.
Accessing the Storyboard
To access the Project Storyboard, open a project and select the “A3 Report & Storyboard” tab.If A3 Reports are not enabled in your TRACtion instance, you should see a “Storyboard” button instead. If Storyboards are not enabled, the tab will not be visible. If you think they should be enabled, please reach out to your TRACtion administrator. By default, the “A3 Report & Storyboard” tab will navigate you to the A3 Report. From this page, click “Storyboard” to access the project Storyboard.
The Project Storyboard includes any question and answer that has been included from the Project Work page. Clicking the question will take you directly to the question on the project if you would like to make modifications or access any additional artifacts.
To export the Storyboard, click the Export button in the top right corner of the page. Instructions will display on how to save the document as a PDF. Click “Continue to export” to continue the export process.
On the print screen, you can make adjustments to how to print the Storyboard document. If you would rather export the document as a PDF, you can set the destination as “Save as PDF” before submitting.
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