Call Center with Balking
Call Center. When something in your process is taking too long, route your items to other parts of the process with balking.

1. Create your customers. This model shows two levels of customers Gold and Platinum. Platinum customers have a priority of 1, while Gold customers have the default priority of 5.
2. Customers are On Hold until an Agent is Ready. Callers wait in line here. However, if they spend too long in this queue, the customer may hang up.
3. Lost Customers. If a customer spends too long in the On Hold block, the customer gets transferred to the "Lost Customers" block.
4. Tier 1 Agents Only Handle Gold Level Customers. Parameters in this block filter Gold customers to Tier 1.
5. Tier 2 Agents Handle Both Platinum and Gold Customers. Because Platinum customers have a priority of 1, they will always jump ahead of a gold customer.
6. Show your results with data blocks. In the Results tab of a block, you can set a sticky display of the results you're interested in.
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