Ticket Line Options
Ticket Lines. This process enables you to experiment with different scenarios for ticketing processes, understanding how your process may need to react to different types of demand.

0. There is one item in this model: Person
1. Some people purchase tickets at the booth. This Demand Block generates people who show up at the door without a ticket and need to purchase one. The associated Activity Block represents the time needed to purchase a ticket at the kiosk.
2. Some people have purchased tickets but need to pick them up. This Demand Block generates people who show up at the door needing to pick up a ticket but not make a purchase. This model assumes that they join their own line.
3. Some people have mobile tickets that have already been purchased. People who have mobile tickets can immediately join the main Queue.
4. Some Mobile Ticket holders have arrived early. Adding the Person item to this Queue Block and setting a value for Initial On Hand allows you to model several people arriving before the ticket lines open up.
5. After the main Queue, there is a common process. Everyone must go through Check Tickets and Security before Accessing the Venue. Setting the Processing Time in these blocks can represent different types of scanning and security processes. In addition, model multiple lines available for these activities by increasing the number of Servers Available in the parameters.
With the Circles representing the Demand, the Triangles representing Queues (or Lines), and the Squares representing Activities, we have built a simple model that allows us to try different scenarios and combinations for dealing with the amount of demand we expect.
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