IT Accounting with Batching
IT Account Process with Batching. This process highlights batching and unbatching within a process. This model follows up on last week's and discusses the parts that are different. If you want to learn more about Scheduling using the Resource Block, check out last week's Model Monday.

0. This process contains three items: 5k-10k, 10-15k, and 15k-20k. The numbers represent the number of transactions listed in an incoming file, allowing us to be more granular about the processing times of the transactions.
1. Set the arrival time for files. These times should reflect how often a new file of each size comes in.
2. Sometimes, a file can be corrupt. Model this by including a Decision Block, which should split off roughly the same number of files as in real life.
3. Prepare files together for Injesting Transactions. This Flexibatch gathers the files that must be processed together when the IT Process becomes available. Make sure to set the "Wait for Additional Items" parameter to accept new items up to the appropriate time.
4. Include Set Up Time by filling in that parameter on the Activity Block. The Set Up Time is applied to the batch while the Processing Time is applied to each individual item in the batch. Therefore, by adding the Set Up time here, you can reproduce adding spin-up time.
5. Unbatch All in this Queue. Doing this allows you to create a larger batch for later steps if necessary.
6. Batch again. This Flexibatch has a longer "Wait for Additional Items" time. This allows this batch to group even more items together if they arrive in time from the previous step. Note: After this block, we will maintain the same batch until the end. You might repeat this sequence of "Queue to Unbatch, Flexibatch to Batch" if you expect different batches (smaller or larger) to occur throughout the steps in the process.
7. Unbatch All at the End. If you are curious how many files were completed by the run, you can Unbatch All on the Exit Block here.
This week, we introduce the Flexibatch Block as a way of batching multiple items together for processing. The Unbatch All parameter in some blocks allows you to deconstruct the batch back into its parts. In addition, we introduce the concept of Set Up Time, which applies to batches of items rather than each item individually.
If you didn't catch last week's Model Monday, it discusses other parts of this model in greater depth, including the Corrupt File path and scheduling of IT Resources with the Resource Block.
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