Process Playground


Process Playground supports the creation of model iterations, or variations, from the base model. Generally, you'll start by building and validating your baseline model, which represents your process as it exists today.

Once you have the baseline model created, you can then create iterations from that baseline, experimenting with various changes and improvements to your process.

To create a new iteration, click either the current iteration name or the iteration icon, as shown in this image.

Launch an Iteration

Open the window to create a new iteration by clicking on the iteration name or the icon.

You will be taken to the Model Iterations window (shown below), where you can open any of your existing iterations, create a new one by clicking “Make a Copy,” or edit the titles by clicking on each of them.

Model Iterations Window

New iterations can be used to test out different ways of solving problems.

New iterations will be an exact duplicate of the copied iteration. You can make any changes you would like on the new iteration without affecting the original.

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