
Hexie, the Data Analysis Wingbot

What is Hexie?

Hexie is a chatbot in EngineRoom connected to a Large Language Model, created to assist in answering Data Analysis, Lean Six Sigma, and EngineRoom questions.

What are some considerations with Hexie?

Hexie utilizes a third-party software (ChatGPT) and so any sensitive information should not be shared in the chat. All other areas of EngineRoom, including data upload in the data sources panel, are NOT connected to Hexie. The only interface with ChatGPT in this case is through the Hexie chat window.

As a Large Language Model, Hexie can make mistakes. Please check important information.

What can Hexie do?

Hexie is good at answering several types of questions such as:

  • What kind of tool should I use for this specific use case?
  • Can you explain this Process Improvement concept?
  • What does this particular statistic mean?
  • How do I get started in EngineRoom?

Hexie has limitations. It will not be able to answer:

  • Questions related to specific studies or data sources in your project
  • Questions involving statistical calculations. While it might provide some formulas, do not trust its numeric calculations at this time.
  • Information that might not generally be known. We are working on building out Hexie's knowledge of the EngineRoom interface to be even more helpful navigating the software.

What happens to my data in Hexie?

Data and questions provided to Hexie are monitored for quality assurance purposes by MoreSteam. In addition, all chat information is processed with a third-party Large Language Model. Do not share any sensitive information in the chat.

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